As part of the Hornbill Festival, a flower show, sale of fruits and vegetables at the Hortiscape Kisama was formally inaugurated by the Parliamentary Secretary for Horticulture, R. Khing at on 1st December 2010.
Varieties of flowers such as Bonsai, Bulbs and tubers, indigenous foliage and flowers, orchids-hybrid and indigenous, biennials and perennials, cactai and succulents and annuals, fresh flower and dry flower arrangements are exhibited in ten categories for competitions. The wining prizes of the flower show competition were Rs. 10,000/- for first prize, Rs. 7000/- for second and Rs. 5000/- for the third positions and Rs. 1000/- each for the consolation prizes.
The fresh flower arrangement category which bagged the first prize was a mixture of orchid and roses with ferns and other leaves looked almost royal in the show.
At the show varieties of organic fruits and vegetables such as pineapple, bananas, mandarin (orange), sweet orange (mosambi) and kiwi were for show as well as for sale.
The giant cabbages and turnips, carrot, ginger, garlic, squash, colocasia and the famous Naga chilli and other were also exhibited which were also for sale. There were a total of 120 participants in the fruits and vegetable competition.
The first prize winners of different categories in the Flori Show were Ruth, Bino Neikha, Neikeduonuo, Dr. Vizovol Mekro, Aneu, Zakielhouvinuo, Savino Chasie, Niathu Gardens, Zhanuo Belho and Suohienuo.
In the fruits and vegetables competition the first prize winners were Mutsorho, Amono, Z. Yepthomi, Medonyi, Suyietale, B. Konyak, Oking Multi Purpose Farm, Phesama, Renbeni and D.S. Zeliang.