Dimapur, May 23: Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh met NSCN (I-M) General Secretary Thuingaleng Muivah in Delhi on Tuesday after denying him an audience for months, possibly with an eye on the renewed violence in the Northeast, a national daily reported on Friday.The meeting, the daily said, showed that Centre was keen on using the influence of NSCN (I-M) over various rebel outfits to buy peace in the region. The NSCN (I-M) is said to have been instrumental in getting at least some of the outfits in the region to the negotiating table. The low-profile meeting was also attended by national security adviser, M.K. Nara-yanan, sources said. “It was decided that the Naga talks would continue and both sides would try and find an honourable, mutually-acceptable peaceful solution,” a source told the daily. Muivah is understood to have been satisfied with the meeting. For more than a month, the NSCN (I-M) General Secretary had been camping in the national capital to meet the Prime Minister. Th...