Dimapur police busted a major racket involved in forging and selling fake certificates and documents of various government offices, police, schools, colleges, universities etc of different states of the Northeast and arrested the kingpin of the racket Muantuo Sailo from his residence at Block 3, Ward No. 9, Chumukedima on Tuesday.SDPO Niuland K Kahlo told newspersons that during a raid at the residence of the prime accused Muantuo, fake certificates and documents of various government officials, schools, school boards, computer institutes, colleges, Bible colleges, universities and various government offices with forged signatures, 151 fake rubber stamps and seals of various government officials, school authorities and university authorities as well as police and IR(Bn) letter pads of Nagaland, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram besides computers sets, lamination machine, and colour printers were recovered. Altogether 171 school cumulative record books and various fake certificates, do...
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