Dimapur, June 15 (MExN): The “NSCN/GPRN” today reflected on a number of aspects characterizing the Naga political issue. The outfit in a statement wondered about the end of the “peace” process. According to the publicity cell of the “NSCN/GPRN” the issue of Naga “sovereignty” “is about the future of the Naga people” and so any solution must reflect the will of the Nagas.
Any solution must reflect will of the people: NSCN/GPRN“Historical documents clearly proves that Naga issue is not about integration. Its more than 6-decade of political struggle of the Nagas is turned into integration issue overnight, those responsible must be questioned” it stated and proceeded to mention NSCN (IM) general secretary Th. Muivah. He must seek “emotional integration” from the Nagas first “than demanding physical integration of Nagas from the Government of India” the outfit stated.The “national” movement “of the Nagas,” the publicity cell asserted, “originated from Nagaland and then spread to other areas Naga inhabited areas beyond artificial boundaries created by alien oppressors.” If they so desire, Nagas outside the present state of Nagaland shall have the right to live under one entity. This is the fact about Nagas integration, which can be pursued post solution, the cell explained. The group also said that a united political agenda without any covert dealings must firmly be placed before the Naga people “lest it becomes the agenda of few individual at the cost of Nagas.”If Th. Muivah had this basic foundation in him, the cell stated, the “peace” process would not have “collapsed.” Despite its “end,” the “NSCN/GPRN” claimed, “he tried to whip up the interest of the Nagas by dwelling on federal and constitutional possibilities.” The group also noted what it stated was Th. Muivah’s “spirring (sic) up Indian media “whenever the situation at home does not suit his interest.” The cell accused him of ‘exploiting’ the consciousness of the Nagas “particularly the educated class.” The group urged “the Nagas not to allow the political wisdom grope in the dark” and rather they must “wake up to reality.”“Is the Naga political struggle inferior to others to let an individual pull it along t any direction he likes? A revolutionary leader ceases to be one when he places personal vision above that of the peoples. If a 60 year old freedom struggle of the Nagas is reduced to being a solo project, any failure must be squarely blamed on the person at the helm of affairs” it queried. “The greatest enemy of Th Muivah is not India or GPRN/NSCN. It is his own political ego” the outfit stated. The cell also stated what it said was “sympathy to Muivah’s group for opening an institution of fake names to justify all the misdeed and to further confuse the Nagas” .
(Courtesy: Morung Express)
Any solution must reflect will of the people: NSCN/GPRN“Historical documents clearly proves that Naga issue is not about integration. Its more than 6-decade of political struggle of the Nagas is turned into integration issue overnight, those responsible must be questioned” it stated and proceeded to mention NSCN (IM) general secretary Th. Muivah. He must seek “emotional integration” from the Nagas first “than demanding physical integration of Nagas from the Government of India” the outfit stated.The “national” movement “of the Nagas,” the publicity cell asserted, “originated from Nagaland and then spread to other areas Naga inhabited areas beyond artificial boundaries created by alien oppressors.” If they so desire, Nagas outside the present state of Nagaland shall have the right to live under one entity. This is the fact about Nagas integration, which can be pursued post solution, the cell explained. The group also said that a united political agenda without any covert dealings must firmly be placed before the Naga people “lest it becomes the agenda of few individual at the cost of Nagas.”If Th. Muivah had this basic foundation in him, the cell stated, the “peace” process would not have “collapsed.” Despite its “end,” the “NSCN/GPRN” claimed, “he tried to whip up the interest of the Nagas by dwelling on federal and constitutional possibilities.” The group also noted what it stated was Th. Muivah’s “spirring (sic) up Indian media “whenever the situation at home does not suit his interest.” The cell accused him of ‘exploiting’ the consciousness of the Nagas “particularly the educated class.” The group urged “the Nagas not to allow the political wisdom grope in the dark” and rather they must “wake up to reality.”“Is the Naga political struggle inferior to others to let an individual pull it along t any direction he likes? A revolutionary leader ceases to be one when he places personal vision above that of the peoples. If a 60 year old freedom struggle of the Nagas is reduced to being a solo project, any failure must be squarely blamed on the person at the helm of affairs” it queried. “The greatest enemy of Th Muivah is not India or GPRN/NSCN. It is his own political ego” the outfit stated. The cell also stated what it said was “sympathy to Muivah’s group for opening an institution of fake names to justify all the misdeed and to further confuse the Nagas” .
(Courtesy: Morung Express)