Dimapur, June 27 (MExN): The joint statement issued from the Chiangmai Naga Peace Summit by rival NSCN leaders VS Atem and Wangtin Naga yesterday, is a reflection of their sincerity at pursuing peace and unity, says Home Minister Imkong Imchen. Expressing deep joy at the statement, the Home Minister today said in a message that the NSCN groups have “rightfully taken the weapon of forgiveness” in ‘their march for peace.’“I am deeply moved and overjoyed on the successful summit at Chiang Mai, Thailand, specially, on the joint statement from the Naga Peace Summit signed by Gen (Retd) VS Atem and Y Wanting Naga, Dy.Kilonser. This statement speaks volume how sincere and serious both the leaders are while searching for peace, reconciliation and unity amongst the Naga” Imkong said.According to the DAN leader, the most powerful and effective weapon for the human society and individual is the ‘weapon of forgiveness’ and both the NSCNs ‘had rightfully taken the weapon of forgiveness with a view to stay and march together to attain the ultimate goal of the Nagas.’This statement of the two faction leaders deserve appreciation from all sections of the people, especially those who care for the Naga cause, he said adding that yesterday’s move is “another milestone” in the annals of Naga history. All concerned citizens and society should stand and defend this statement, to enable the leaders of both the camps to concretize (sic) and march ahead for the well being of the Nagas “I know the difficulties and obstacles that the organizers of this Chiang Mai summit had faced. They too deserve full appreciations from all sections of the people. Let us hope that they’ll be more steadfast in their endeavor, however difficult it may be” Imkong prayed.
(Courtesy:Morung Express)