Imphal, June 24: The inherent contradiction between policy and goal, the wide gap between theory and practice, the wrong priorities provoking opposition all round instead of fighting the common enemy together for a common goal, and the arrogant refusal to recognise the basic unity of the region by the NSCN(IM), the self-appointed `torch bearer` of the Naga struggle, stands fully exposed from their recent statements, mentioned Ksh Yoiheiba, senior publicity offcer of the proscribed UNLF in his statement.The statement further mentioned that the resultless 10-year old peace talks with the government of India had shown that there is no consistent policy of the NSCN(IM) to lead the Naga people onward to victory and these are the basic issues having a direct bearing on the Naga struggle.The statment also mentioned that no one in their right senses would even think of fighting a common enemy without a common purpose or goal. Because doing so, though punctuated by insincere rhetoric of unity as the NSCN(IM) has been doing for a long time, is sheer political opportunism. In all earnestness and with sincere fraternal respect for the Naga people for their long sacrifice, the UNLF cannot become the victim of NSCN(IM)`s wrong political line, wrong policies and wrong priorities.The statement further asked if the ethnic cleansing policy of NSCN(IM) against the Kukis, which is no less a crime against humanity than any other genocide committed elsewhere in the world for which those responsible have been punished, was a priority to resolve the Indo-Naga political problem`. Obviously it is not a policy of fraternal co-existence. And then making a U-turn, using some of the Kuki armed groups against UNLF is a glaring example of manipulative politics.The statement also further said if dumping the `Self Defence United Front of South Himalayan Region` for the purpose of `peace-talks` with India and then pushing all the partners into peace-talks with India a policy of fraternal co-existence or abusing the partners as bargaining factor. Was it in the exclusive interest of the goal set for the Nagas by the NSCN(IM), or was it an expression of gratitude to the government of India for recognising the unique history of Nagas, these are the basic questions to be pondered by the Naga brothers in particular and the entire people of the region in general, the statement added.The statement further added that, the NSCN (IM) is now disintegrating and the illusions with which it tried to pull the Naga people along its line has evaporated, primarily because of its ethno-exclusive ideology. Though a necessity at one stage of the Naga struggle, it has now outlived its historical purpose and its transformation into an inclusive revolutionary struggle has become a historical necessity of the time, it said.The statement said they hoped that the Naga people would once again display their traditional wisdom and judgment in breaking away from the illusions of the NSCN(IM) and bring back the Naga struggle on the right track in the spirit of fraternal co-existence among all the people in the region.The statement finally said that the UNLF will not stoop down to belittle the leaders of NSCN(IM) as they did to their chairman. But it needs to be clarified that UN authorities in Geneva, instead of rebuking their chairman as alleged by NSCN(IM), facilitated his taking the floors of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations and the UN Sub-Commission on Human Rights for two consecutive years.